Hi Alec, I found your blog from my google alerts (automatic email I get from google that alerts me when new things are posted about UB Funkeys). I really like your blog. I might borrow your mixpod music for my blog! I was wondering if you would like me to do a blog post about your blog, I see you only have me as a follower. If you would like more visitors and followers, I can tell more people about your blog...I just want to be sure you would like that first. Feel free to send me an email at ubfunkeysarefun@gmail.com and let me know! Thanks!
Hi Alec,
I found your blog from my google alerts (automatic email I get from google that alerts me when new things are posted about UB Funkeys). I really like your blog. I might borrow your mixpod music for my blog! I was wondering if you would like me to do a blog post about your blog, I see you only have me as a follower. If you would like more visitors and followers, I can tell more people about your blog...I just want to be sure you would like that first. Feel free to send me an email at ubfunkeysarefun@gmail.com and let me know!
Blog Author, At
1/8/09 7:08 AM
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