UFunk News Bring you Ub Funkeys Tips and secrets

Friday, July 31, 2009

Who is Master lox?

Dr. Tinker! Or one half of him...

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Watch Out!


Green Dot


Unrelaeased Henchmen

I really hope they do.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Hidden Realm Wishing Tree

Make a Wish!

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Tadd Lillypadd

Who ever knew a Lillypad can be so beautiful?

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The Organ


The Great Glub Castle

Anyone in there?

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It's Coming...

Almost there... YES! :D

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Twinx's Paradise

The name says it all! :O

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Funkiki Island Postcards

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The Secret of Paradox Green

To win Paradox Green you will need to destoy each quarter of henchmen, by using each of the funkeys tools, just like funkiki island except you damaging henchmen instead of opening paths. Here is what you need to get:
When you play tadds game enought times they will give you there potion called the tadd tonik.
Then you will throw the potion and the henchmen will start cying and crying.
Rastro will give you there black hole for a job well done.

And the black hole will suck the henchmen right in.

The ace will give you there jet pack,

Witch you will use to fly the henchmen 2.0 right into the boiling lava.

And last but not least, the Mulch will award you with there solor powored windmill.

Use this gadget to blow away the henchmen half way around terripinia.

When you have destroyed all the henchmen 2.0, you will learn the shocking secret.
The secret was that when Dr. Tinker tried to harnest the power of the gnomon tree, the tree split him into two sides, one good, and one EVIL.

So the truth is that Doc is the good side of Dr. Tinker and the Evil Dr.Tinker tried Stealing the gems for him self and discised himself as Master Lox.

This is the Paradox Green Gem

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How to run away from a Henchmen

When you hear "the noise" quickly memorize the area and go to your crib. When inside your crib, put in the funkey who's portal or gameroom is the closest the go back to were you were and quickly head for the portal or gamroom, without knoking into the henchmen (To turn around try making a circle around a large object) and then come back out after going in and he will be gone. Or you can go the easy way by doing the same thing but instead put in the Henchmen or Master Lox, and he will leave you alone, and better if your Master Lox you get a coin from the Henchmen.

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Magma Gorge Fossil

To get the fossil in magma gorge look for the bones sticking out of the ground, here are the locations:

When you find all the pieces you will earn the complete Funkasauras Fossil and will find it in you storage under the sculpture section.

Here is where to look:


Breaking News!

Paradox Green is now shown on the official ub funkeys website also you can enter the Wendy's kids meals codes there and unlock new downloads... now if only they started selling the Paradox Green funkeys.

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Clening Stations

Over time you will get dirty, so you will need to clean yourself. Thats where the Cleaning stations come in. These are scattered all over the zones and some have more than others. The catch is that you can only use each cleaning station once every while. Here they all are:
The first located in Funkeys Town is called the Funkeys Town Fish Fountain. This is located near the kelpy basin portal, further to the south.
The next one is the Crystal Clen Choppers witch is a dentist's office, and i'm not so shure how they clean you're body, when they work on your teeth. This is located right near lotus's gameroom.

This is Perfume Pancy. Who will make you smell just like your brand new! Look for it a little east of Angus Lab.

The closest to the starting point is the Funkeys Town Suds. It's like a car wash.

Now we move on to Magma Gorge, where you will find the Steaming Gyser in the bottom right cornner.
Now in Nightmare Rift, where there are two cleaning stations, you will find the Starving Squirmers. Yes it's gross but it does match the theme. :)

Hungry? Well the Lickity Pit shure is. Don't worry, he won't eat you, just that annoying dirt. You really should try that!.

Hot or dirty, nothing a little Storm Maker button can't handle!
"I wonder what his secret is?"

Zap ZAP. Well it felt a little strange but i'm shiny clean! All thanks to The Vaportizer!

If your trying to get clean at Funkiki Island the ocean is not the place, just use the beach shower instead!
And not but least, in Kelpy Basin let the Coral Cleaning Fish do the work for you.
Cool ways to get clean, huh? Remember that if you need help looking for one in a zone just press the map button and look for the water drop shape, also Master Lox, The Henchmen, Mayor Sayso, Jerry, The Pinneapple King and the Native cannot use the cleaning stations, so don't bother trying!
PS. Hidden Realm and Paradox Green do not offer Cleaning Stations, Sorry. :(

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Paradox Green Snap Shots!

Welcome To Paradox Green, the birthplace of Dr. Tinker
This is the Portal to Funkeys Town
This is Tadd Padd, Tadds gameroom.

This is near the Ace Hanger, Ace's gameroom.

Here you can see a Henchmen 2.0 trying to get away.

This here is Mulch CO-OP, Mulch's gameroom

This is near Mulch's gameroom, you can see a waterfall powering some system.

Pretty Colors! :o

Nice garden the Mulch have made.

This is Rastro's gameroom called 3rd Eye Science labs

"So thats why they call it fall"

This is a really neat design!

Those Henchmen 2.0 are trying to destroy the Gnomon Tree!
Here is a better view of the Gnomon Tree.
Nice Place isn't it? Well it gets even MORE exiting when you learn the place's SHOCKING SECRET!

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